Since my local post office is fairly isolated, I cannot park at another building, lock my gun in the car, and then walk on to the Post Office.
What I usually end up doing is:
1. I leave my gun at home in the beginning of the day, when I know I have to go there, and end up without a weapon for a day.
2. Go home first, drop off the gun, and then go to the Post Office.
3. If I don't have to use my local Post Office specifically, I drive out of my way to go to another one.
Needless to say, every chance I get I use UPS or FedEx, but often it's not up to me. I really do NOT understand this clearly unintelligent aspect of the law that makes USPS parking lots "gun free zones".
I don't really know what I am hoping to get as an answer, but maybe one of you has found a solution I am not seeing.