Texas store owner arrested after killing robber at night

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Re: Texas store owner arrested after killing robber at night


Post by K.Mooneyham »

I read a couple of the comments (and left a couple myself). Someone said something about the doors being damaged from the inside. So, likely there is more to this story than those short news blurbs are saying. Hopefully the trial will reveal something that will clear things up a bit.

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Re: Texas store owner arrested after killing robber at night


Post by philip964 »

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Support- ... 3209223449" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

You can show your support for Rodney Duve and his family by liking the Support Rodney Duve, Duves Quick Stop on facebook.
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Re: Texas store owner arrested after killing robber at night


Post by jmra »

philip964 wrote:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Support- ... 3209223449

You can show your support for Rodney Duve and his family by liking the Support Rodney Duve, Duves Quick Stop on facebook.
I'm not sure why I, or anyone for that matter, would want to show support for this guy when we still don't know what happened. I'm for sure not contributing to his go fund me account at this point.
Way too many unanswered questions.
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Re: Texas store owner arrested after killing robber at night


Post by jmra »

JP171 wrote:there probably is much that hasn't been released by the police, the story saying that the owner shot the suspect in the head and not saying that several shots were fired indicates to me that one shot was fired and it was intentionally in the head. One shot to the head is under almost any states indicative understanding of the law prima facie evidence of intent to kill therefore MURDER a person, not to stop the commission of a crime, had the suspect had a bullet resistant vest on then the charge most likely would not have happened.

Also as I understand and instructors can correct me if I am wrong, but DPS teaches instructors that head shot on the target are automatic fails
http://www.christianpost.com/news/rodne ... eo-105645/
"51-year-old Duve shot him several times, including once in the head."

Seems Duve may have had a temper:
"The neighbor also said that when visiting the store, Duve had been in "a scary rage" on several occasions."

Perhaps the police believe that Duve became enraged, injured the gang member with a couple shots, and then executed him with a shot to the head. This would indeed be murder.
I have no idea if this actually happened or not, but I do know that it is way too early to say this was a justified shooting.
I have stated many times on this forum that I would not shoot someone solely for the purpose of recovering property. As KeithB stated earlier, I sure wouldn't shoot someone taking a 12 pack of beer.

No matter how this turns out this guy is in a world of hurt. If the dead guys gang is any kind of a real gang, this guy and his whole family will live in constant fear of retaliation. Would you put your family through that over a 12 pack of beer?
This guy may get off, but he will always be an idiot.
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Re: Texas store owner arrested after killing robber at night


Post by JP171 »

jmra wrote:
JP171 wrote:there probably is much that hasn't been released by the police, the story saying that the owner shot the suspect in the head and not saying that several shots were fired indicates to me that one shot was fired and it was intentionally in the head. One shot to the head is under almost any states indicative understanding of the law prima facie evidence of intent to kill therefore MURDER a person, not to stop the commission of a crime, had the suspect had a bullet resistant vest on then the charge most likely would not have happened.

Also as I understand and instructors can correct me if I am wrong, but DPS teaches instructors that head shot on the target are automatic fails
http://www.christianpost.com/news/rodne ... eo-105645/
"51-year-old Duve shot him several times, including once in the head."

Seems Duve may have had a temper:
"The neighbor also said that when visiting the store, Duve had been in "a scary rage" on several occasions."

Perhaps the police believe that Duve became enraged, injured the gang member with a couple shots, and then executed him with a shot to the head. This would indeed be murder.
I have no idea if this actually happened or not, but I do know that it is way too early to say this was a justified shooting.
I have stated many times on this forum that I would not shoot someone solely for the purpose of recovering property. As KeithB stated earlier, I sure wouldn't shoot someone taking a 12 pack of beer.

No matter how this turns out this guy is in a world of hurt. If the dead guys gang is any kind of a real gang, this guy and his whole family will live in constant fear of retaliation. Would you put your family through that over a 12 pack of beer?
This guy may get off, but he will always be an idiot

so fear is a reason to NOT protect yourself? your loved ones? your property? sorry dude but you can't live in fear, if you do your already beaten down and a victim
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Re: Texas store owner arrested after killing robber at night


Post by jmra »

JP171 wrote:
jmra wrote:
JP171 wrote:there probably is much that hasn't been released by the police, the story saying that the owner shot the suspect in the head and not saying that several shots were fired indicates to me that one shot was fired and it was intentionally in the head. One shot to the head is under almost any states indicative understanding of the law prima facie evidence of intent to kill therefore MURDER a person, not to stop the commission of a crime, had the suspect had a bullet resistant vest on then the charge most likely would not have happened.

Also as I understand and instructors can correct me if I am wrong, but DPS teaches instructors that head shot on the target are automatic fails
http://www.christianpost.com/news/rodne ... eo-105645/
"51-year-old Duve shot him several times, including once in the head."

Seems Duve may have had a temper:
"The neighbor also said that when visiting the store, Duve had been in "a scary rage" on several occasions."

Perhaps the police believe that Duve became enraged, injured the gang member with a couple shots, and then executed him with a shot to the head. This would indeed be murder.
I have no idea if this actually happened or not, but I do know that it is way too early to say this was a justified shooting.
I have stated many times on this forum that I would not shoot someone solely for the purpose of recovering property. As KeithB stated earlier, I sure wouldn't shoot someone taking a 12 pack of beer.

No matter how this turns out this guy is in a world of hurt. If the dead guys gang is any kind of a real gang, this guy and his whole family will live in constant fear of retaliation. Would you put your family through that over a 12 pack of beer?
This guy may get off, but he will always be an idiot

so fear is a reason to NOT protect yourself? your loved ones? your property? sorry dude but you can't live in fear, if you do your already beaten down and a victim
Ridiculous. He was not protecting himself or his family. He was protecting a 12 pack of beer and has placed his family in peril by doing so. I will never fear protecting my self or my family. Please reread my post and do not take my words out of context. It is obvious that I am not suggesting that a person forgo self defense out of fear.
Last edited by jmra on Sat Oct 05, 2013 11:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Texas store owner arrested after killing robber at night


Post by JP171 »

sorry , but your already a victim, you state you'll let someone rob you blind before using force the only way you'll use force is if they are going to hurt your family and that is creating an artificial distinction and that makes you a victim. I mean come on its only a little rape, its only a little blood from being punched, yep your a victim

it isn't what the guy was stealing but that he was stealing at all period, and no matter the course of action he took if his gang was a REAL HOODRAT GANG then he will be in fear regardless
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Re: Texas store owner arrested after killing robber at night


Post by jmra »

JP171 wrote:sorry , but your already a victim, you state you'll let someone rob you blind before using force the only way you'll use force is if they are going to hurt your family and that is creating an artificial distinction and that makes you a victim. I mean come on its only a little rape, its only a little blood from being punched, yep your a victim

it isn't what the guy was stealing but that he was stealing at all period, and no matter the course of action he took if his gang was a REAL HOODRAT GANG then he will be in fear regardless
You can't be serious. Again you are taking everything I have stated out of context. If you want to risk spending the rest of your life in jail and make your family victims in the process over a 12 pack of beer, be my guest.

I have taken on an entire mob of people unarmed in defense of a woman I did not know. If I'm going to do that do you think I going to allow someone to injure me or my family? Get real. We are talking about a 12 pack of beer, not rape or assault.

BTW, it won't take many more incidents like this one for Texas residents to lose the ability to defend personal property. Idiots like this guy do nothing to help the fight to keep our gun rights intact.
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Re: Texas store owner arrested after killing robber at night


Post by o b juan »

wait guys till it all comes out in a court.. Remember the TRAYVON Fiasco

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Re: Texas store owner arrested after killing robber at night


Post by JP171 »

OB Juan, I am not saying the store owner was in the right, if it went down as some say he should be on his way to a long jail sentence, it is illegal to execute someone on your own initiative, so yep gotta let the courts decide what really happened, and the other, done said what I think not gonna beat a horse that ain't gonna respond, that would make me insane by the definition of this " you keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result is insanity" "rlol"
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Re: Texas store owner arrested after killing robber at night


Post by jmra »

o b juan wrote:wait guys till it all comes out in a court.. Remember the TRAYVON Fiasco

News Media is not the best source..
:iagree: big difference I see here is there are no defensive wounds on the shooter and no witnesses seeing two men struggle. All we see so far is a dead man full of holes next to a 12 pack of beer which will probably wind up being the most expensive 12 pack of beer ever.
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Re: Texas store owner arrested after killing robber at night


Post by Dragonfighter »

In the original True Grit, Cogburn, Mattie and La Boeuf are at a cabin questioning a couple of ne'er do wells on the location of Ned Pepper. Cogburn (John Wayne for you young'ns) describes him as having a scar on his lower lip. LaBoeuf questions him and it went something like:

LaBoeuf: "How'd he get the scar?"
Cogburn: "I shot 'im."
LaBoeuf: "You shot him in the lower lip? What were you aiming for?"
Cogburn: "His upper lip."

Still don't have enough to go on but maybe this guy was not a good shot but a bad one and he WAS aiming for center mass. Just a thought.
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Re: Texas store owner arrested after killing robber at night


Post by philip964 »

http://www.kztv10.com/news/murder-victi ... ore-owner/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Criminal's family is upset about benefit barbeque. $2000 in donations so far.

DA bringing it to a grand jury. Mentions that he might not be charged and could walk away a free man.

Most comments to story are anti criminal.

Imagine that.

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Re: Texas store owner arrested after killing robber at night


Post by philip964 »

http://www.kztv10.com/news/attorney-sto ... -shooting/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Store owner cleared of any wrong doing in the shooting death of a man who was stealing beer from his store.

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Re: Texas store owner arrested after killing robber at night


Post by MechAg94 »

Duve told investigators that he was attacked when he tried to keep Garcia from leaving the store, so he pulled out a gun and fired.
This little tidbit was missing from the earlier pages.
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