Now off to the range this weekend to try it out.

Moderator: carlson1
Cocked and locked would be a single action trigger pull...if your single action trigger pull on a double action pistol is heavier than ANY striker fired pistol, you need serious work on your trigger. If he is saying it is lighter than most double action trigger pulls, he would probably be right.The Annoyed Man wrote:Yeah, I thought that "Everyone's" description was a little broad. When I first started carrying with my CHL, I carried a cocked and locked Sig 1911. Hard to imagine a striker trigger getting lighter and crisper than that.Cedar Park Dad wrote:Interestingly, I've never heard that as a complaint of DAO guns before. Learn something new every dayAs a side note, because so many discussion board “experts” skip over this. a heavier trigger pull isn’t the worst thing when talking about striker fired guns. Everyone’s biggest complaint on striker guns is that the trigger is too light, when compared to a double action/single action semi-automatic or a double action revolver.
From the article:RogueUSMC wrote:Cocked and locked would be a single action trigger pull...if your single action trigger pull on a double action pistol is heavier than ANY striker fired pistol, you need serious work on your trigger. If he is saying it is lighter than most double action trigger pulls, he would probably be right.The Annoyed Man wrote:Yeah, I thought that "Everyone's" description was a little broad. When I first started carrying with my CHL, I carried a cocked and locked Sig 1911. Hard to imagine a striker trigger getting lighter and crisper than that.Cedar Park Dad wrote:Interestingly, I've never heard that as a complaint of DAO guns before. Learn something new every dayAs a side note, because so many discussion board “experts” skip over this. a heavier trigger pull isn’t the worst thing when talking about striker fired guns. Everyone’s biggest complaint on striker guns is that the trigger is too light, when compared to a double action/single action semi-automatic or a double action revolver.
I may have misread because I am on my phone, but how do you "dry fire at 15 yards and get a one inch group?"Shoot_First wrote: I note the grip is a longer with the free magazine provided by SA and the slide may be just a tad bit wider, but I dry fired 9 rounds at 15 yards into a 1" group, so the upgraded accuracy seems to be better.
When I measure the imaginary dry fire bullet holes the groups are always better than at the range. Gotcha.carlson1 wrote:I may have misread because I am on my phone, but how do you "dry fire at 15 yards and get a one inch group?"Shoot_First wrote: I note the grip is a longer with the free magazine provided by SA and the slide may be just a tad bit wider, but I dry fired 9 rounds at 15 yards into a 1" group, so the upgraded accuracy seems to be better.
Shoot_First wrote:When I measure the imaginary dry fire bullet holes the groups are always better than at the range. Gotcha.carlson1 wrote:I may have misread because I am on my phone, but how do you "dry fire at 15 yards and get a one inch group?"Shoot_First wrote: I note the grip is a longer with the free magazine provided by SA and the slide may be just a tad bit wider, but I dry fired 9 rounds at 15 yards into a 1" group, so the upgraded accuracy seems to be better.
??Shoot_First wrote:My XDs .45 came home from...and the slide may be just a tad bit wider...
Perhaps it is because of the new slide mounted safety.RogueUSMC wrote:??Shoot_First wrote:My XDs .45 came home from...and the slide may be just a tad bit wider...
lol...you ain't right dude...Shoot_First wrote:Perhaps it is because of the new slide mounted safety.RogueUSMC wrote:??Shoot_First wrote:My XDs .45 came home from...and the slide may be just a tad bit wider...
My status has changed to "Your gun has been fixed." Still no email though.Shoot_First wrote:ATDM, Teamless, & Irpettit: My status just changed to "Your gun has been fixed." How about yours?
You ain't the first to say that. Perhaps because I'm rogue US Army Retired after over 31 years of active duty. My initial post after I got my XDs ,45 back from SA was all in jest after having read on the XD Talk forum about how much different the XDs was post "upgrade." I put about 120 rounds through my fixed XDs ,45 today and find it to be substantially as before I sent it off to SA... the trigger pull seems just a bit higher than before but smooth with no over travel.RogueUSMC wrote:lol...you ain't right dude...Shoot_First wrote:Perhaps it is because of the new slide mounted safety.RogueUSMC wrote:??Shoot_First wrote:My XDs .45 came home from...and the slide may be just a tad bit wider...
Shoot_First wrote:You ain't the first to say that. Perhaps because I'm rogue US Army Retired after over 31 years of active duty. My initial post after I got my XDs ,45 back from SA was all in jest after having read on the XD Talk forum about how much different the XDs was post "upgrade." I put about 120 rounds through my fixed XDs ,45 today and find it to be substantially as before I sent it off to SA... the trigger pull seems just a bit higher than before but smooth with no over travel.RogueUSMC wrote:lol...you ain't right dude...Shoot_First wrote:Perhaps it is because of the new slide mounted safety.RogueUSMC wrote:??Shoot_First wrote:My XDs .45 came home from...and the slide may be just a tad bit wider...