Recommendations for Pocket Carry in Jeans?

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Re: Recommendations for Pocket Carry in Jeans?


Post by puma guy »

I pocket carry a Kahr PM40. In jeans, dress slacks, suit pants and shorts. extra mag is in my back pocket.
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Re: Recommendations for Pocket Carry in Jeans?


Post by JRG »

I never leave home without my 642 S&W J-frame, however it is always in my IWB holster. The 642 is too big for my jeans pockets. I wear the jeans that are sold at Costco, not sure of the brand, though probably Kirkland.


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Re: Recommendations for Pocket Carry in Jeans?


Post by Seabear »

I abandoned .380 a long time ago. If I need to pocket carry, my Kel-Tec PF9 gets the nod. Don't let the price fool you, they were the originators of the small pocket guns. Put locktite on the extractor screw and you will never have a problem. There are prettier guns, and more expensive guns, but mine has gone bang every time for 3 years, and I actually practice with mine. :fire
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Re: Recommendations for Pocket Carry in Jeans?


Post by Commander Cody »

While there are a lot of people that find the .380 an inadequate caliber, I can actually hit the spot I am shooting at with my Sig Saur SAS P238. I carry one in my right back pocket for a backup and feel quite well armed. It is comfortable and well concealed.
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Re: Recommendations for Pocket Carry in Jeans?


Post by mojo84 »

Not sure how well it will fit in jeans pockets but I really like the looks of the LC9s Pro.

I carry my Colt Mustang (old model) in a pocket holster on my weak side front or back pocket at times. Sometimes as a backup and sometimes as the only weapon. It depends on situation.
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Re: Recommendations for Pocket Carry in Jeans?


Post by joe817 »

mojo84 wrote:I carry my Colt Mustang (old model) in a pocket holster on my weak side front or back pocket at times. Sometimes as a backup and sometimes as the only weapon. It depends on situation.
Glad you said that mojo84! :cheers2:

For various reasons, I carry my Colt Gov't .380 in a Don Hume IWB about 90% of the time at my 10am position. The other times in my front jeans pocket. It's always invisible, and sometimes I find myself checking to see that it's still there, as I can't feel it.
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Re: Recommendations for Pocket Carry in Jeans?


Post by RKlenka »

I find pocket carry to be the worst. We have not really had any one reliably and successfully access and present during any reactive stressful simulations with a pocket carry. The closest is the classic "Oh let me slowly reach for my wallet, but its really my gun!" and even then its only in a standing stationary situation. Once movement and pressure was applied it became next to useless (unless your hand was already in your pocket). There was more success if carried in say a cargo type pants pocket but that had its own set of problems. There was some success with pocket carry in a jacket, but I couldn't really tell you the last time I wore a jacket.

But i guess its better than nothing.
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Re: Recommendations for Pocket Carry in Jeans?


Post by tms119 »

P938 fits in my jeans without to much trouble. P238 is even better, but I prefer the 6 rounds of 9mm personally.
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Re: Recommendations for Pocket Carry in Jeans?


Post by bmwrdr »

tms119 wrote:P938 fits in my jeans without to much trouble. P238 is even better, but I prefer the 6 rounds of 9mm personally.
:iagree: My choice too, it conceals well, with a good fit holster it won't move around and with enough practice one can quickly access it as well.
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Re: Recommendations for Pocket Carry in Jeans?


Post by Bitter Clinger »

Check out 9mm Kimber Solo carry. Not cheap but it is really small, and I find it works better for me when "point shooting" vs my Kahr. The trigger pull on the Solo just seems better for me." onclick=";return false;
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Re: Recommendations for Pocket Carry in Jeans?


Post by Crash »

RKlenka wrote:I find pocket carry to be the worst. We have not really had any one reliably and successfully access and present during any reactive stressful simulations with a pocket carry. The closest is the classic "Oh let me slowly reach for my wallet, but its really my gun!" and even then its only in a standing stationary situation. Once movement and pressure was applied it became next to useless (unless your hand was already in your pocket). There was more success if carried in say a cargo type pants pocket but that had its own set of problems. There was some success with pocket carry in a jacket, but I couldn't really tell you the last time I wore a jacket.

But i guess its better than nothing.

I've never had to access a handgun from a pocket in a stressful situation, but I'm sure you're right that it's an iffy proposition. However, I sometimes have to wear my shirt tucked in and no jacket (too hot most of the year here in Texas), so my only choices are in a pocket or in one of the tuckable holsters (ankle holsters are out since I have limited flexibility in my back and right leg). I've tried the tuckables and they're just not for me--despite lots of practice I could just never be sure that I could get my gun out without a lot of trouble. So, I'm stuck with pocket carry a lot of the time. Although I'm not thoroughly convinced that a .380 will do the job in a self-defense situation, that may be the only thing that's not too thick, long, or heavy for a pocket and it's better than nothing.
Thanks for your input.

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Re: Recommendations for Pocket Carry in Jeans?


Post by MadMonkey »

I regularly pocket carry a Glock 42, Kahr CM9 or LCP. I never wear jeans though, I don't think I even own a pair.. never found any that I could consistently draw from. Always use some form of pocket holster if you're using that method; it ensures that the gun will always be in a consistent position (just throwing it into a pocket doesn't work). I only carry in a cargo pocket if I have no other options, 99% of the time it's in a front pocket.

The draw definitely requires a different technique, especially from odd positions. As with any other form of carry I dress around the gun, and for pocket carry that means looser, baggier pants and shorts, which allows the pocket to stay a bit more open.

The draw I practice for it involves keeping my hand flat against my thigh as I move my hand into my pocket, and pressing out the moment the hand enters the pocket which pulls apart the cloth around the gun and allows room for a fast grip. Once the grip is achieved, assuming you have a gun without edges that easily snag, the draw is simple.

It's not ideal, but you can make it work.

I only carry the LCP if I have to wear something a bit more sleek than usual (slacks or similar).
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Re: Recommendations for Pocket Carry in Jeans?


Post by Nano »

Most of the time I carry an LCP in a Remora pocket holster in the right front pocket of my Jeans. It is very comfortable even when driving. I do have a tendency to forget that it is there but if I needed it I'm sure I would remember. I pray I never need it. Sometimes I carry with the holster in my right rear pocket and use a cover shirt. The LCP has taken the place of my Nano for EDC.
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Re: Recommendations for Pocket Carry in Jeans?


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Keith B wrote:I pocket carry a Kahr PM9 in my jeans pocket frequently. I also car&W Model 60 some times. It I was buying another gun for pocket carry it would probably be the Sig P938.

PM9 is a great pocket carry gun.
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