SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.

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Re: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.


Post by mr1337 »

AJSully421 wrote:
jmra wrote:
AJSully421 wrote:
Roger Howard wrote:
casp625 wrote:So when the new 30.06 & 30.07 laws take effect, will all the old signs be invalid? What if businesses don't post new signs?

30.06 will not change. 30.07 will cover open carry. If the law passes as written at this point, it would become effective January 1, 2016
You are right, the "rules" of 30.06 will not change, but if you read the current language of SB17, the required wording on the sign / document does change. This makes every single current 30.06 sign non-compliant and unenforceable on 1/1/16. The property owner who wishes to exclude the most law abiding adult group in Texas will have to rub two brain cells together, and get a compliant sign installed for both CC and OC. This will take up lots of space. Most will only pick one sign. My bet is that it will be 30.07. Or, I am wrong and they will post 30.06 and will verbally notify OCers.

By the way, I have run in to a few of the old signs that reference the old section before it was 30.06... maybe section 29ee? I love seeing those old, unenforceable, signs as I walk right past them.
I would not want to try and convince a jury that 3 or 4 word changes on a sign meant that I had not received notice.
You won't have to. The State has to prove that you did receive proper notice... and the law itself states that you did not due to the wording. Any competent defense attorney would get it tossed long before any trial. Besides... what were you doing to get made while carrying?
Read the law carefully. It states that you have received notice when the property has provided notice. The property has provided notice when they post a compliant sign, card, or give you verbal notice.

What they would have to do is prove mens rea.
Keep calm and carry.

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Re: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.


Post by BigGuy »

Somehow I wound up on another mailing list. TXGR (Texas Gun Rights.) I just got an email where they are ranting about SB17 (See in part below.)

They are painting Dan patrick as an anti gun, and calling SB-17 a step in the wrong direction.


I don't send that much money out. How do I wind up on these whacky mailing lists?
The state Senate, wrangled by Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, passed a limp-wristed Open Carry bill (S.B. 17) full of anti-gun restrictions.

They’re hoping gun rights activists will be appeased and finally leave them alone.

You see, tens of thousands of Texans have contacted their legislators in recent months demanding Constitutional Carry.

And we’re not going to fall for this!

S.B.17 is far from the true pro-gun reform Texas needs, and is arguably a step in the wrong direction as it increases the government’s power to license away our rights.

That’s why it’s vital that you call Dan Patrick TODAY at (512) 463-0001 and demand that he give Constitutional Carry a vote!
Don’t you think gun rights supporters have a right to know who those anti-gun Senators are?

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Re: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.


Post by mr1337 »

BigGuy wrote:Somehow I wound up on another mailing list. TXGR (Texas Gun Rights.) I just got an email where they are ranting about SB17 (See in part below.)

They are painting Dan patrick as an anti gun, and calling SB-17 a step in the wrong direction.


I don't send that much money out. How do I wind up on these whacky mailing lists?
The state Senate, wrangled by Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, passed a limp-wristed Open Carry bill (S.B. 17) full of anti-gun restrictions.

They’re hoping gun rights activists will be appeased and finally leave them alone.

You see, tens of thousands of Texans have contacted their legislators in recent months demanding Constitutional Carry.

And we’re not going to fall for this!

S.B.17 is far from the true pro-gun reform Texas needs, and is arguably a step in the wrong direction as it increases the government’s power to license away our rights.

That’s why it’s vital that you call Dan Patrick TODAY at (512) 463-0001 and demand that he give Constitutional Carry a vote!
Don’t you think gun rights supporters have a right to know who those anti-gun Senators are?
Wow. Just wow.

I agree we need Constitutional Carry, but I don't agree that SB17 is setting us back. It's getting us closer.
Keep calm and carry.

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Re: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.


Post by TexasCajun »

BigGuy wrote:Somehow I wound up on another mailing list. TXGR (Texas Gun Rights.) I just got an email where they are ranting about SB17 (See in part below.)

They are painting Dan patrick as an anti gun, and calling SB-17 a step in the wrong direction.


I don't send that much money out. How do I wind up on these whacky mailing lists?
The state Senate, wrangled by Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, passed a limp-wristed Open Carry bill (S.B. 17) full of anti-gun restrictions.

They’re hoping gun rights activists will be appeased and finally leave them alone.

You see, tens of thousands of Texans have contacted their legislators in recent months demanding Constitutional Carry.

And we’re not going to fall for this!

S.B.17 is far from the true pro-gun reform Texas needs, and is arguably a step in the wrong direction as it increases the government’s power to license away our rights.

That’s why it’s vital that you call Dan Patrick TODAY at (512) 463-0001 and demand that he give Constitutional Carry a vote!
Don’t you think gun rights supporters have a right to know who those anti-gun Senators are?
Myopia at its best...
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Re: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.


Post by tlt »

Wow, this OCT craziness needs to be tamped down before they derail it in the house. It is behavior and talk like this, that ensure there will never be Constitutional Carry because no matter which side of the issue you fall on, most everyone would agree some nuts shouldn't be running around with guns. The only way to have your cake, and keep the anti 2A appeased is to do background checks, ie: CHL.

It seems unbelievable. I would post back to them the great article by Chas. ... open-carry" onclick=";return false;

Also, instead of belly aching, reach out to Senator Estes and Chas. and I'm sure many other deserving folks, and say thank you.

It isn't a done deal yet, one idiot groups antics will derail it all.

Thank You Senator Estes, Charles, and everyone else who has worked so hard to move the ball this far.
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Re: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.


Post by Roger Howard »

tlt wrote:Wow, this OCT craziness needs to be tamped down before they derail it in the house. It is behavior and talk like this, that ensure there will never be Constitutional Carry because no matter which side of the issue you fall on, most everyone would agree some nuts shouldn't be running around with guns. The only way to have your cake, and keep the anti 2A appeased is to do background checks, ie: CHL.

It seems unbelievable. I would post back to them the great article by Chas. ... open-carry" onclick=";return false;

Also, instead of belly aching, reach out to Senator Estes and Chas. and I'm sure many other deserving folks, and say thank you.

It isn't a done deal yet, one idiot groups antics will derail it all.

Thank You Senator Estes, Charles, and everyone else who has worked so hard to move the ball this far.
:thumbs2: :iagree:

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Re: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

BigGuy wrote:Somehow I wound up on another mailing list. TXGR (Texas Gun Rights.) I just got an email where they are ranting about SB17 (See in part below.)

They are painting Dan patrick as an anti gun, and calling SB-17 a step in the wrong direction.


I don't send that much money out. How do I wind up on these whacky mailing lists?
The state Senate, wrangled by Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, passed a limp-wristed Open Carry bill (S.B. 17) full of anti-gun restrictions.

They’re hoping gun rights activists will be appeased and finally leave them alone.

You see, tens of thousands of Texans have contacted their legislators in recent months demanding Constitutional Carry.

And we’re not going to fall for this!

S.B.17 is far from the true pro-gun reform Texas needs, and is arguably a step in the wrong direction as it increases the government’s power to license away our rights.

That’s why it’s vital that you call Dan Patrick TODAY at (512) 463-0001 and demand that he give Constitutional Carry a vote!
Don’t you think gun rights supporters have a right to know who those anti-gun Senators are?
I saw this garbage too. It's a lie promulgated by liars, incompetents, or both. Oh yeah, they want donations also. Thankfully, few people believe this crap.

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Re: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.


Post by Pawpaw »

BigGuy wrote:Somehow I wound up on another mailing list. TXGR (Texas Gun Rights.) I just got an email where they are ranting about SB17 (See in part below.)

They are painting Dan patrick as an anti gun, and calling SB-17 a step in the wrong direction.


I don't send that much money out. How do I wind up on these whacky mailing lists?
The state Senate, wrangled by Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, passed a limp-wristed Open Carry bill (S.B. 17) full of anti-gun restrictions.

They’re hoping gun rights activists will be appeased and finally leave them alone.

You see, tens of thousands of Texans have contacted their legislators in recent months demanding Constitutional Carry.

And we’re not going to fall for this!

S.B.17 is far from the true pro-gun reform Texas needs, and is arguably a step in the wrong direction as it increases the government’s power to license away our rights.

That’s why it’s vital that you call Dan Patrick TODAY at (512) 463-0001 and demand that he give Constitutional Carry a vote!
Don’t you think gun rights supporters have a right to know who those anti-gun Senators are?
Some people's only function in life is to waste oxygen. What was it Charles said a few days ago?

Oh yea:
If breathing were not an involuntary action, some people would literally die of stupidity.
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Re: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.


Post by dac1842 »

I had been receiving multiple emails and calls from OCT and another gun rights group that I thought was a bit radical for me. I asked them nicely to quit calling and to remove me from their mailing lists.
Nice evidently did not register with them, so I got ugly, real ugly, I can't repeat what I told them here, our beloved censors would have a coronary. But it worked.

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SB17 in the House


Post by Ruark »

Can anybody furnish a succinct description of the process of going through the House, where SB17 is now headed? Will we have to listen to more spiels of testimony from people like Acevedo and ignorant anti-gun politicians? And what about amendments? Will it go through another laundry list of proposed amendments?

What if it doesn't pass the House? Will that be the end of it, or will it go back to the Senate or some committee for rewriting?
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Re: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.


Post by C-dub »

BigGuy wrote:Somehow I wound up on another mailing list. TXGR (Texas Gun Rights.) I just got an email where they are ranting about SB17 (See in part below.)

They are painting Dan patrick as an anti gun, and calling SB-17 a step in the wrong direction.


I don't send that much money out. How do I wind up on these whacky mailing lists?
The state Senate, wrangled by Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, passed a limp-wristed Open Carry bill (S.B. 17) full of anti-gun restrictions.

They’re hoping gun rights activists will be appeased and finally leave them alone.

You see, tens of thousands of Texans have contacted their legislators in recent months demanding Constitutional Carry.

And we’re not going to fall for this!

S.B.17 is far from the true pro-gun reform Texas needs, and is arguably a step in the wrong direction as it increases the government’s power to license away our rights.

That’s why it’s vital that you call Dan Patrick TODAY at (512) 463-0001 and demand that he give Constitutional Carry a vote!
Don’t you think gun rights supporters have a right to know who those anti-gun Senators are?
I got that junk too and opted out of their e-mails immediately. I contributed to NAGR a year or two ago, but didn't renew. When they asked why, I told them it was because of their support of and association with the OCT and OCTC nuts. Other than this e-mail from TXGR group, I haven't heard from them since.
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Re: SB17 in the House


Post by Wes »

Ruark wrote:Can anybody furnish a succinct description of the process of going through the House, where SB17 is now headed? Will we have to listen to more spiels of testimony from people like Acevedo and ignorant anti-gun politicians? And what about amendments? Will it go through another laundry list of proposed amendments?

What if it doesn't pass the House? Will that be the end of it, or will it go back to the Senate or some committee for rewriting?
There is a good discussion of what's next started in the house bill thread - viewtopic.php?f=133&t=76719&start=120#p969961" onclick=";return false;
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Re: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.


Post by G.A. Heath »

NAGR and OCT are cut from the same cloth. After demanding unlicensed carry or nothing OCT suddenly started claiming credit for getting licensed OC to the point that it's at now and suddenly I am hearing that they are going back to attacking licensed carry again. I am already hearing some weird rumors getting started about licensed OC as well, here are four of the most laughable:

Rumor 1: If licensed OC passes and you have a concealed carry license from your state while your state has unlicensed open carry then you can only concealed carry in Texas if your state has reciprocity with Texas.

Rumor 2: Existing CHLs will not be allowed to open carry, they will have to surrender their license and wait 30/60/90 days before starting the process to get a new license.

Rumor 3: Licensed OC will destroy reciprocity.

Rumor 4: Licensed OC will be the only way anyone can carry in Texas if SB17/HB910 pass.

I am willing to bet most, if not all of these are started by unlicensed carry or nothing supporters trying to kill licensed carry because they feel that will give unlicensed carry a chance.
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Re: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.


Post by Wes »

That does bring up a good question though. Sorry if it's been answered but I couldn't find it. For those who have an out of state license for concealed carry, will they be able to open carry under our open carry law if we have reciprocity with their licensed state for concealed carry?
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Re: SB17 OC Bill On Intent Calendar for 3-16-2015.


Post by jmra »

G.A. Heath wrote:NAGR and OCT are cut from the same cloth. After demanding unlicensed carry or nothing OCT suddenly started claiming credit for getting licensed OC to the point that it's at now and suddenly I am hearing that they are going back to attacking licensed carry again. I am already hearing some weird rumors getting started about licensed OC as well, here are four of the most laughable:

Rumor 1: If licensed OC passes and you have a concealed carry license from your state while your state has unlicensed open carry then you can only concealed carry in Texas if your state has reciprocity with Texas.

Rumor 2: Existing CHLs will not be allowed to open carry, they will have to surrender their license and wait 30/60/90 days before starting the process to get a new license.

Rumor 3: Licensed OC will destroy reciprocity.

Rumor 4: Licensed OC will be the only way anyone can carry in Texas if SB17/HB910 pass.

I am willing to bet most, if not all of these are started by unlicensed carry or nothing supporters trying to kill licensed carry because they feel that will give unlicensed carry a chance.
They are either intentionally starting false rumors or they are too stupid to understand the bills. I think it's a toss up.
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