Ted Cruz A Texas

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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by parabelum »

mojo84 wrote:Parabellum,
What we don't know is what deal the Donald has worked in order to get their endorsement. With Donald it's all about the deal. Most of our country's problem are directly the result of backroom quid pro quo deals that benefit the politicians and not the country.

It wasn't long ago Donald was much more aligned with dems than repubs. Also, check out his father's history and affiliations. Those same affiliations have gone a long way in helping Trump accumulate much of his wealth.
Saying otherwise indicates that you (not directed at literal "you", just a general "you") know something that all these people as a body of whole do not know.
You and I are not totally in disagreement Mojo.
I get where you're coming from.

Having said that, they all have dirt under their nails. Cruz is no exception.
With the trade deal he supported, he betrayed the American worker. Still, I'm not going to bash him further.
If he is the nominee, I'd support him.

He would however make for a much better Supreme Court Justice.

Good news for Trump:

http://nypost.com/2016/02/28/hillary-co ... -new-york/

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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by jed »

mojo84 wrote:It has now come out Sessions has been coaching and advising Trump for a while now.

Some thoughts come to mind. What kind of deals is the Donald making behind the scenes?

The more Washington politicians align with Trump or the other candidates, the more I believe Cruz is the right guy.

If people really want a conservative outsider, why not choose the guy that is an obvious outsider?

People that claim they want someone that respects the Constitution, presidential and principled then chooses Trump are not being consistent in there thought process.

When a country elects a president based on his ability to throw childish insults at others deserves what it gets.

Trump talks about not being beholden to anyone. What does he owe these politicians that are endorsing him?

I believe Cruz is the right guy when all things are considered. However, I can respect the choice of any of the republican candidates with the exception of the middle school narcissistic bully. Cruz has been a lifelong conservative and Trump became one once he started seriously contemplating a run for president. This includes his stance on the 2nd amendment.
For me it IS about the constitution and Trump IS NOT about the constitution. If Trump gets elected there will be a lot of disappointed followers when they find out he is just as liberal as Clinton and Sanders. Just wait till he sides up with the libs on 2A. Cruz is our only choice.

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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by jason812 »

If Trump is the nominee will you support the slower moving downfall of America just because he's not Hillary? I've held my nose for Bush, McCain, and Romney cause they were the lesser of 2 evils. Not anymore. If this is what society wants, they can have it, I will not participate. I will vote for the Libertarian candidate if Cruz is not the nominee. In the past, I voted for Republicans if they were opposed by a Dem. If they are running unopposed, I leave their spot blank and vote Libertarian if they are challenged only by a Libertarian knowing that the Republican will win anyway. The Republican party has no identity any more.
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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by Bitter Clinger »

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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by parabelum »

Bitter Clinger wrote:Image
The fact that after each time he got his nose busted he emerged stronger and wealthier in the end.
In life, the only people that never fall or drop the ball are those who never stood straight and carried the ball in the first place.
The mark of a successful leader is that even after all of the failures in life, he was able to pull himself up.

It's funny you bring up his failures, yet fail to realize the obvious. For most, any one of those failed ventures would have been a show stopper. But not for Donald. You see, he fell on his face in business and politics many times, but guess what? He learned, and only got stronger.
That's inspirational to me.

But to those whose minds are made up, there is no hope truly. Stuck in the ghetto of their own minds, entrapped by their doxa, they are unable to see and reason clearly. I'm sick of the R's and D's altogether, and I what I truly want is a strong Nationalist Party, because our Country is bleeding out fast.

I'm also tired of the self proclaimed conservative purist parading around as if they themselves wrote the Constitution, and that only they own the authority to decide who's conservative enough and who's not. All the while we have 19 trillion dollar debt and rising. Jobs are leaving at the break neck speed. ISIS are rampaging across Middle East and the rest of the world killing with impunity everyone that opposes them, raping little girls, destroying ancient artifacts...
I'm also tired of Cruz bashing Russia, country that should be our natural ally against ISIS. Whoever is advising him on this is 100% wrong.

The World is on fire and WE NEED a strong BULLY who WILL stand up for our country and kick these fascists in the rear.

China hates him.

Mexico hates him.

Media hates him.

Pope, the despicable socialist Pope hates him.

Establishment GOP hate him.

Establishment DNC hate him.

Major Coorporations hate him.

Do you really want to be on their side?

Trump all the way. Time to clean the house.

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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by Pariah3j »

Trump has somehow become whatever people want him to be. Seems to me that his trumpkins are blinding following him without asking critical questions. His unabashed bulling and narcissism is excused because 'it'll be great !' and 'He'll make america great again !' without any real explanations how... and when confronted on the issues, he begins name calling and flinging insults. Misdirection - that is the Trump brand. Feels alot like 'Hope and Change' all over again. Of course we all found out that we hope the dems don't manage to change anything else. I fear Trump's 'Great America' because I don't believe it will be one that any true conservative will wish to live in.
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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by SA_Steve »

Looks a lot like the Ross Perot era I remember well. If Trump gets even slightly squeezed or have to cough up $500 million to run the general he will plead "unfair" and disappear.

The chances of this happening are pretty darn small right now.
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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by mojo84 »

I do believe you and I closer when it comes to principles than it may appear. I just do not understand how anyone can be so adamant Trump is the right guy.

If one were to look only at what HE has said lately, I can see how someone could think he is the right guy for the conservatives and republicans. However, looking at his positions and actions over the years, I can in no way see him as a TRUE conservative or republican. I am not a "self proclaimed conservative purist parading around as if they themselves wrote the Constitution, and that only they own the authority to decide who's conservative enough and who's not". I am looking at what the Donald has said himself and determining if I trust him. I think the answer to that is obvious.

http://2016election.procon.org/view.res ... eID=006327

http://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/v ... 2986563581

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/pos ... ince-june/

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the ... own-words/

http://www.christianpost.com/news/donal ... ng-158173/

As far as your comment about the world being on fire and we need a "BULLY", I strongly disagree with that. We need a "LEADER" that will position the United States of America to lead from a position of strength. That does not call for a bully. The last thing we need is a middle school narcissistic bully that thinks he can bully and insult others in order to get his way. Look at how many times he has out and out insulted others with childish middle school insults and how many times he has threatened to sue someone that says something he doesn't like. Is one supposed to think that will work with Congress or other foreign leaders? Consider how he recently said he thinks politicians should be able to sue the media. Is that a founding principle of our country?

While our frustration and concerns are greatly warranted, the choice of Trump based on the idea he is the conservative leader the country needs is concerning and misguided. I can't imagine Trump, Putin, Kim Jong-un, Ali Khamenei or any of the other crazy leaders in the world negotiating. Even Chris Christie said his temperament if not fit to be president. Now since Chris is out of the race, he seems to think Donald's temperament has changed for the better.

None of the other republican candidates are perfect but I submit they are all much less flawed than Trump. Keep in mind, Trump recently said he can be "anything" he needs to be. Lately, he needs to be considered somewhat conservative in order to win the nomination. I bet he becomes much less conservative if he secure the nomination.
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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by parabelum »

Pariah3j wrote:Trump has somehow become whatever people want him to be. Seems to me that his trumpkins are blinding following him without asking critical questions. His unabashed bulling and narcissism is excused because 'it'll be great !' and 'He'll make america great again !' without any real explanations how... and when confronted on the issues, he begins name calling and flinging insults. Misdirection - that is the Trump brand. Feels alot like 'Hope and Change' all over again. Of course we all found out that we hope the dems don't manage to change anything else. I fear Trump's 'Great America' because I don't believe it will be one that any true conservative will wish to live in.
I think same could be said of Cruz supporters, drinking Cruz elixir.

I think Trumps' stance on issues important to me are crystal clear, if you'd like to read:


Of course, just few months ago, Trump was apparently conservative enough for Cruz to want him alongside at this and many other events:

http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/poli ... /71935208/

As far as insults, I think Cruz drew first blood and that's ok, it's a political primary and everyone is in it to win. So, when you get punched, you punch back.

And misdirection? What Cruzs' operatives did to Dr. Carson in Iowa was as dishonest as it gets.
And what about Cruz shaming Iowans:
http://www.nytimes.com/politics/first-d ... er-mailer/

Publishing a mailer for others to see information about their neighbors voting, that's ok? That's conservative????

That's about as conservative as Whiskey Rebellion.
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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by allisji »

off-topic I know, but does anyone know approximately what % of Texans vote early?

I've been in Texas 9 years. And it seems like at least in Harris county people take full advantage of the abundant time available to vote early. It's very convenient for me, so I love to vote early. I voted 8 days ago.

I think that it's funny watching the news coverage of elections and primaries in particular waiting for every update of the % of votes counted when I consider that so many people here in Texas cast their ballots days and weeks ahead of the election.
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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by Bitter Clinger »

parabelum wrote:
Bitter Clinger wrote:Image
The fact that after each time he got his nose busted he emerged stronger and wealthier in the end.
In life, the only people that never fall or drop the ball are those who never stood straight and carried the ball in the first place.
The mark of a successful leader is that even after all of the failures in life, he was able to pull himself up.

It's funny you bring up his failures, yet fail to realize the obvious. For most, any one of those failed ventures would have been a show stopper. But not for Donald. You see, he fell on his face in business and politics many times, but guess what? He learned, and only got stronger.
That's inspirational to me.

But to those whose minds are made up, there is no hope truly. Stuck in the ghetto of their own minds, entrapped by their doxa, they are unable to see and reason clearly. I'm sick of the R's and D's altogether, and I what I truly want is a strong Nationalist Party, because our Country is bleeding out fast.

I'm also tired of the self proclaimed conservative purist parading around as if they themselves wrote the Constitution, and that only they own the authority to decide who's conservative enough and who's not. All the while we have 19 trillion dollar debt and rising. Jobs are leaving at the break neck speed. ISIS are rampaging across Middle East and the rest of the world killing with impunity everyone that opposes them, raping little girls, destroying ancient artifacts...
I'm also tired of Cruz bashing Russia, country that should be our natural ally against ISIS. Whoever is advising him on this is 100% wrong.

The World is on fire and WE NEED a strong BULLY who WILL stand up for our country and kick these fascists in the rear.

China hates him.

Mexico hates him.

Media hates him.

Pope, the despicable socialist Pope hates him.

Establishment GOP hate him.

Establishment DNC hate him.

Major Coorporations hate him.

Do you really want to be on their side?

Trump all the way. Time to clean the house.


Let's stick to the issues and not get all caught up in who has small hands or who looks good in orange. I can't wait to see Hillary in an orange jumpsuit! We certainly agree on the debt crisis and ISIS, although I think that Iran is a bigger threat than ISIS (the "S" stands for Syria just in case the Obama Administration is reading this!) :cheers2:

I think that you would do well to remember the "Night of the Long Knives" (so-called Röhm Putsch) in Germany back in the 30's. It was carried out by the "Nationalist" party of that period. If you believe that Russia could be our allie, then we will not be able to find common ground on that issue either. Russia is Iran's allie, they swallowed the Crimea (and Obama / Kerry let them) and Russian intervention in Syria has done nothing except serve to prop up Assad and exponentially increase the "refugee" flow.

I can see that many feel that Trump projects leadership and that obviously appeals to many. The danger of this backlash against Obama's clear lack of leadership is that we end up with something much worse. History does indeed repeat itself.
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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by mojo84 »

It is public information who has voted and who hasn't and in which primary. I don't think Cruz's campaign is the first one to try to shame people to the polls. We even had that here in Kendall county during the elections three or four years ago. Whether or not Cruz folks went over the line, I am not going to argue that.
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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by The Annoyed Man »

parabelum wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:http://townhall.com/columnists/johnhawk ... /page/full

If the Don ends up being your nominee, getting him elected isn't going to be any better than electing Hillary. Republicans need to start thinking about an exit strategy from his campaign, broker the convention, and get themselves a viable nominee. I mean, if I cared, that's what I would do.
If the majority of people vote for DT, why would you override the will of the people? We're not democrat fascists.
Understood..... but I'm not a republican OR a democrat..... so I'm just making a "that's what I'd do if I was king of the world" observation.
parabelum wrote:If he is the nominee, which I hope, then we as patriots should coalesce around him and NOT capitulate to the commie or the criminal.
2 years ago, Trump WAS a commie-supporter, and he HAS had ties with organized crime in his business dealings. Now, you can say, "people change", and they DO. I myself am living proof of that. I used to be a liberal democrat, then I was a conservative republican. Now I am something else. But I was a liberal democrat for a long time, and I was a conservative republican for a long time. Trump changes positions the way other people change underwear. That means that whom you elect today has a strong possibility of turning out a year or two later to NOT be what you thought your were voting for. You could say "I am mainly concerned about not giving Clinton or Sanders a chance to nominate a SCOTUS justice", and I can understand that sentiment. But Trump is the guy who said that he thought is leftist abortion-loving extremist sister would be a great SCOTUS justice (source), saying that he would have to hold off on that "for now". THAT is part of his record, and voters should examine a candidate's record thoroughly before supporting him/her. We are in deep trouble as a nation because voters refuse to actually examine a candidate's record - preferring instead to digest 5 second sound bites as "fact".
parabelum wrote:By the way, I've heard all sorts of reasons not to vote for him, BUT, at the end of the day, he is gaining on Hillary, he has received prominent endorsements including from Senator Sessions, Jerry Fawlell Jr., Palin, Sherrif Joe...
I know they did, but it is a mystery to me why, and it makes them a disappointment to me rather than make me fall for Trump's blandishments.
parabelum wrote:If he is good / conservative/ evangelical enough for them, he is good enough for me.
Confucius said, "the superior man know's what's right. The inferior man knows what sells." Apparently, they are buying what the inferior man is selling. I'll make my own opinions.....but by the way, my very conservative evangelical pastor is as mystified by Trump's popularity and endorsements as I am.
parabelum wrote:Saying otherwise indicates that you (not directed at literal "you", just a general "you") know something that all these people as a body of whole do not know.

Like it or not folks, he will be the nominee and you should not play the games that dems play.
That really depends, and it isn't a game that gems play. Abraham Lincoln's nomination was the product of the FIRST republican convention, and it was brokered. So there is not only precedent in the REPUBLICAN party, it ended up producing a President which is still highly regarded by historians today. If Trump has 35% support within the party, and Rubio and Cruz have 15% each, that makes 65% of the party. The other 35% are up for grabs. When you add up the up-for-grabs voters with Rubio's and Cruz's supporters, you've got 65% of the party that is NOT supporting Trump right now......so although he certainly has a juggernaut of a campaign compared to Rubio and Cruz, he doesn't have ANYthing like the support of most of the party.....at least not yet. So a brokered convention is (A) easy to believe, and (B) doesn't violate the will of the majority.......not when the majority do NOT support him. That's why I deliberately used the term "Plurality" in one of my previous posts.
parabelum wrote:And don't do to him what Newt did to Romney, handing it over to BO.
Not sure I follow. Newt didn't run a 3rd party campaign—like Trump is threatening to do. Romney lost it fair and square because he was a bad choice.
parabelum wrote:Also, nobody will be 100%. There is only one Saviour and His name is Jesus Christ.
Can I get an Amen?
parabelum wrote:People, stop it already with Cruz like he's clean as a driven snow. These are political operatives, and they will all disappoint you.
I'm not a Cruz guy either. At first I was, but the more I watched, the less I liked. If political operatives disappoint, then the biggest, loudest political operatives disappoint the most. Trump is big and loud.
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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by parabelum »

mojo84 wrote:Parabellum,
I do believe you and I closer when it comes to principles than it may appear. I just do not understand how anyone can be so adamant Trump is the right guy.

If one were to look only at what HE has said lately, I can see how someone could think he is the right guy for the conservatives and republicans. However, looking at his positions and actions over the years, I can in no way see him as a TRUE conservative or republican. I am not a "self proclaimed conservative purist parading around as if they themselves wrote the Constitution, and that only they own the authority to decide who's conservative enough and who's not". I am looking at what the Donald has said himself and determining if I trust him. I think the answer to that is obvious.

http://2016election.procon.org/view.res ... eID=006327

http://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/v ... 2986563581

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/pos ... ince-june/

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the ... own-words/

http://www.christianpost.com/news/donal ... ng-158173/

As far as your comment about the world being on fire and we need a "BULLY", I strongly disagree with that. We need a "LEADER" that will position the United States of America to lead from a position of strength. That does not call for a bully. The last thing we need is a middle school narcissistic bully that thinks he can bully and insult others in order to get his way. Look at how many times he has out and out insulted others with childish middle school insults and how many times he has threatened to sue someone that says something he doesn't like. Is one supposed to think that will work with Congress or other foreign leaders? Consider how he recently said he thinks politicians should be able to sue the media. Is that a founding principle of our country?

While our frustration and concerns are greatly warranted, the choice of Trump based on the idea he is the conservative leader the country needs is concerning and misguided. I can't imagine Trump, Putin, Kim Jong-un, Ali Khamenei or any of the other crazy leaders in the world negotiating. Even Chris Christie said his temperament if not fit to be president. Now since Chris is out of the race, he seems to think Donald's temperament has changed for the better.

None of the other republican candidates are perfect but I submit they are all much less flawed than Trump. Keep in mind, Trump recently said he can be "anything" he needs to be. Lately, he needs to be considered somewhat conservative in order to win the nomination. I bet he becomes much less conservative if he secure the nomination.
There is no absolute right guy for me Mojo. I wish things were different, but as it stands, the only one that I can see getting us out of the mud is Trump, with Cruz being second. Rubio, forget about it.

Trump is a bully, yes indeed. He has however proven over the years that when the rubber hits the road, he can get things done, and be profitable.
Think of building in Manhattan alone. Dealing with Unions, bureaucratic gridlocks left and right, budget etc.
Yet, he built some of the finest buildings in NYC and around the world.
There's time and place to be a bully, and Donald has proven that he knows how to walk that line.

He is not seeking the office for wealth nor power. He would be better off staying in the private sector and accumulating billions. He doesn't need the stress of POTUS.

And I believe in forgiveness and redemption. So, I will let the history be the judge of his presidency.

So yes, between Trump and Cruz, I go with Trump, and while we disagree, I respect you going with Cruz. He is a fine man and would make a great Supreme Court justice in my opinion.

Now, as far as people saying they'd sit out the election, I truly hope and pray that it's just the emotions spilling over. Because handing it to that witch would be a final nail in the coffin.

Any other time I'd side with TAM on this, but after BO, we cannot allow that to happen.

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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by parabelum »

Bitter Clinger wrote:
parabelum wrote:
Bitter Clinger wrote:Image
The fact that after each time he got his nose busted he emerged stronger and wealthier in the end.
In life, the only people that never fall or drop the ball are those who never stood straight and carried the ball in the first place.
The mark of a successful leader is that even after all of the failures in life, he was able to pull himself up.

It's funny you bring up his failures, yet fail to realize the obvious. For most, any one of those failed ventures would have been a show stopper. But not for Donald. You see, he fell on his face in business and politics many times, but guess what? He learned, and only got stronger.
That's inspirational to me.

But to those whose minds are made up, there is no hope truly. Stuck in the ghetto of their own minds, entrapped by their doxa, they are unable to see and reason clearly. I'm sick of the R's and D's altogether, and I what I truly want is a strong Nationalist Party, because our Country is bleeding out fast.

I'm also tired of the self proclaimed conservative purist parading around as if they themselves wrote the Constitution, and that only they own the authority to decide who's conservative enough and who's not. All the while we have 19 trillion dollar debt and rising. Jobs are leaving at the break neck speed. ISIS are rampaging across Middle East and the rest of the world killing with impunity everyone that opposes them, raping little girls, destroying ancient artifacts...
I'm also tired of Cruz bashing Russia, country that should be our natural ally against ISIS. Whoever is advising him on this is 100% wrong.

The World is on fire and WE NEED a strong BULLY who WILL stand up for our country and kick these fascists in the rear.

China hates him.

Mexico hates him.

Media hates him.

Pope, the despicable socialist Pope hates him.

Establishment GOP hate him.

Establishment DNC hate him.

Major Coorporations hate him.

Do you really want to be on their side?

Trump all the way. Time to clean the house.


Let's stick to the issues and not get all caught up in who has small hands or who looks good in orange. I can't wait to see Hillary in an orange jumpsuit! We certainly agree on the debt crisis and ISIS, although I think that Iran is a bigger threat than ISIS (the "S" stands for Syria just in case the Obama Administration is reading this!) :cheers2:

I think that you would do well to remember the "Night of the Long Knives" (so-called Röhm Putsch) in Germany back in the 30's. It was carried out by the "Nationalist" party of that period. If you believe that Russia could be our allie, then we will not be able to find common ground on that issue either. Russia is Iran's allie, they swallowed the Crimea (and Obama / Kerry let them) and Russian intervention in Syria has done nothing except serve to prop up Assad and exponentially increase the "refugee" flow.

I can see that many feel that Trump projects leadership and that obviously appeals to many. The danger of this backlash against Obama's clear lack of leadership is that we end up with something much worse. History does indeed repeat itself.
We are more ideologically in agreement then in disagreement. 40% my friend is not 60% my enemy.

I cannot wait to see that criminal Hillary in orange jump suit.

It would have been nice to see them all turn it on Woolfie during last debate and pounce on her emails.

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